Past events
A look at some of our past events
11 oct – 29 nov 2021
Writing for Perspective
Are you a writer? Do you have a story to tell? Do you need inspiration? Community? Connection? Feedback and Coaching?
We are now opening up registration for upcoming 8 Week Guided Writing Workshop!
Meeting Virtually Mondays, 10/11/21- 11/29/21
Early Registration ends Friday.

22 sep 2021
The Haitian and Dominican Perspective
On September 22nd, I Am Perspective is excited to partner with Prospere Ansahm to host and moderate The Haitian and Dominican Perspective. Prospere Ansahm is a community-formed group with the mission of bridging the gap between the people of the Hispaniola Diaspora.
10 aug 2021
The Mental Health Perspective
I Am Perspective has been committed to creating conversations around Mental Health awareness, addressing stigmas and biases, sharing information and discussing what that looks like in communities of color and other identifiers.
Recently, #mentalhealth once again takes center stage as we take a moment to discuss what it really means to take a mental health break. As a society why do we not hold as much value for our mental and emotional state as we do our physical.

15 jul – 18 aug 2021
Summer Chats & Crafts Kids Series
Over the course of 6 weeks, participants will color, paint, craft, and sew all while expressing themselves through our guided conversations.
We are continuing to create social emotional learning experiences for our children while they get to create and play! See some of the other Youth Advocacy work that we do on our website.

27 mar 2021
2021 Women’s Conference
Our next event will be the 2021 Women’s Conference. A day packed with dynamic special guest speakers, panelists, workshops, giveaways, and our signature dialogue. Register by clicking the button below, and get your early bird tickets!

23 jan 2021
A Whole You Virtual Conference
Join our co-founder Nussy Alam at the Fourth Annual A WHOLE YOU: VIRTUAL 2-DAY CONFERENCE
This conference will take an unconventional purpose-driven look into the perceptions of mental health in our communities.
21 jan 2021
Minority Money Moves
I Am Perspective is proud to host a special preview How To Be An Ally Workshop & Community Discussion for the Presidential Inaugural Committee on Thursday, January 21st.
What does Allyship look like moving forward in this new Presidency and government?

13 jan 2021
The Generational Perspective
Our first signature I Am Perspective dialogue of the year is The Generational Perspective as we discuss age, ageism and the ways we are influenced by the time period we grew up in. What sets us apart? How do we work around that? What do we need to understand about each other?
9 jan 2021
Minority Money Moves
In 2020, over 20 Billion were dispersed through the SBA to businesses. There are 5.2 million self employed minorities, many who were not granted access to these loans. With the 2nd round, we want to break these barriers and change this narrative.
Our 2020 Events

28 jun 2020
Allyship Workshop Includes:
Understanding (Un) Conscious Bias & Privilege
Start with a unique assessment dealing with the mindset of bias and privilege.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Justice
Understanding your role and the different ways to be an ally and create impact.
Effective Communication
Having difficult conversations moderated in a safe space to create understanding and empathy.
Expanding Your Circle/Network
Experiential open dialogue with a diverse group with various perspectives.

28 jun 2020
Living Proud In Color: The Black LGBT Perspective
21 jun 2020
Living in Color: The Black Freedom Perspective
This weekend @i.amperspectivecelebrates Emancipation Day, also known as Juneteenth.

15 jun 2020
Building Inclusive Communities
14 jun 2020
Living in Color: Race through the Generations
This Tuesday we had some special guests on air with us to discuss race and color in America. While we touched upon a lot (link in bio) there is still so much to talk about and learn about. All of us regardless. This Sunday we open the dialogue in one of our virtual I am perspective

7 jun 2020
Living in Color: Race in America
Thank you to everyone who attended our “Living in Color,” event last night, we had an amazing experience with break out rooms that allowed personal space to not only respectfully share perspectives, but also create new solutions for how we proceed as a community.
31 may 2020
Living in Color: Race in America
This Tuesday we had some special guests on air with us to discuss race and color in America. While we touched upon a lot (link in bio) there is still so much to talk about and learn about. All of us regardless. This Sunday we open the dialogue in one of our virtual I am perspective

1 may 2020
Netflix and Chat: Too Hot To Handle
Tonight we bring back some important dialogue around our present situation. Last week, we had such a transformative conversation and we know there is so much more. We have some special guests joining us from the frontlines for a Q&A session.
26 apr 2020
The Fasting Perspective 2020
Fasting tomorrow?! Last year we had the pleasure of hosting our first Fasting Perspective in honor of Ramadan. We asked our regulars to spend the day in fast with us. While we were adhering to the typical sunrise to sunset schedule, no food, no water we know that there are fasts of all kinds!

5 apr 2020
The Quarantine Perspective
Tonight we bring back some important dialogue around our present situation. Last week, we had such a transformative conversation and we know there is so much more. We have some special guests joining us from the frontlines for a Q&A session.
3 apr 2020
Netflix and Chat: The Platform
I Am Perspective is looking forward to hosting our second Netflix and Chat viewing The Platform this Friday night. This sci-fi thriller takes part in a prison with vertical cells setting into play a brutal dynamic and asks us to examine our own behavior as an individual. Join us for the viewing through Netflix Party and/or join us afterwards for the live Zoom video conversation.
5 apr 2020
The Quarantine Perspective
We are still committed to creating empathy, understanding and community through genuine human connection. We will be hosting our first open Quarantine Perspective signature dialogue discussing the issue affecting all of us regardless of our race, gender, religion, background, location etc.
3 apr 2020
Netflix and Chat: Tiger King
Here at I Am Perspective we have been thinking about what our purpose is during this time. We are still committed to creating empathy, understanding and community through genuine human connection. This weekend we bring you two virtual events.
28 mar 2020
The 2020 Women’s Conference
Coming March 28th, 2020.
6 feb 2020
The Haitian Perspective
Last year, while launching our Caribbean Perspective Series, we saw an opportunity to have more in-depth conversations and shared cultural experiences with the countries of the Caribbean and in February we are having The Haitian Perspective.
30 jan 2020
Hip-Hop Perspective & Karaoke
I Am Perspective is teaming up with LIT Karaoke to bring you the Hip-Hop Perspective. Join us as we discuss the history of hip hop and the effect on modern culture. After diving deep through discussion we get to enjoy the night singing along to the best of hip hop. Bring your perspectives and your singing voices along. Buy your tickets today on event brite.
29 jan 2020
Identity & Belonging
I Am Perspective is proud to present an amazing group of panelists who will be sharing authentically from their experiences and perspectives around Identity and Belonging. Join us Wednesday, January 29th as we discuss the human condition to identify and belong and what matters most.
27 dec 2019
Multicultural Holiday Event
I Am Perspective celebrates our 2nd annual night of fun, food, community and artistic performances… featuring poets, to dancers to singers all sharing their perspective. This is going to be unlike another.
5 dec 2019
The Recreational Marijuana Perspective
Last month we touched on everything from mental health, to incarceration, to legalization, and investments. We know how important these conversations are in a city that will soon see legalization, and we’re excited to invite you to the next Marijuana Perspective, December 5th, 2019 in Brooklyn, NY.
20 nov 2019
The Immigrant Perspective
Join us as we take a personal look at the journey of immigrants and immigrant rights with a special guest panel. We will be taking a candid look at their respective experiences. The audience will also have an opportunity to share their perspectives based on their individual journeys.
13 nov 2019
The Marijuana Perspective
Join us for this special event as we take a deeper look at this subject matter from a perspective standpoint.
Further information will be provided upon purchase of admission.
30 oct 2019
The Caribbean Perspective
Which island-nations consist of the Commonwealth Caribbean? Is there one unique sub-culture despite the differences? What does it mean to be Caribbean American? What is the Caribbean experience within the African Diaspora?
27 Oct 2019
The Expat Perspective
IAP is excited to introduce our first event in Amsterdam discussing the Expat experience. This conversation is intended for everyone whether they have been living abroad for years, just visiting or have always called Amsterdam their home.
9 oct 2019
Love (Does Not) Hurt
I Am Perspective leads a panel discussion on Domestic Violence. An IAP panel discussion is a little bit differernt, so be prepared to listen and learn, but also share your perspective or experience as we explore what domestic violence is today.
28 sep 2019
The Entrepreneur’s Perspective – Orlando, FL.
We travel down to sunny Florida where we will open the discussion to entrepreneurs on what it is like working for yourself in 2019. What is your story? How long have you been on this journey? What does support look like? Florida, let’s get ready to talk!
30 JUL 2019
Love & Perspective
Join I Am Perspective on July 30th as we facilitate a dialogue between both genders to come to a better understanding of what modern day dating & relationships entail. Touching base on what new roles & expectations look like, courting rituals, relationships & sexual preferences and more.
18 jun 2019
The Freedom Perspective
17 JUN 2019
Pride & Color Perspective
I Am Perspective is excited to collaborate with The Soule Media to take a look at the unique perspectives of the LGBTQ community of color. We have an amazing group of panelists that will be sharing openly, answering questions that we may have often wondered or not thought of at all.
The Fasting Perspective
Join I Am Perspective this month as we celebrate the culture of fasting with a light conversation and a breaking of the day’s fast with an Halal meal.
Suggested $10 or Halal Food Donation.
He Say/She Say Perspective
This event is free and open to anyone.

The Men’s Perspective
This event is free and open to anyone.

An Ode to Women

Women of Color: A Perspective

The Crime and Punishment Perspective
*This event is open to everyone regardless of background*

The African-American Perspective
*This event is open to everyone regardless of background*
Me, Myself, & I
“ME, MYSELF & I” Perspectives.
Panel and Discussion featuring, Federica Baldan, Mateo. J, Maurice Wiggan, Chett D’Angelo. Followed by an open conversation.

The Religious/Spiritual Perspective Pt. 2

Multicultural Holiday Event
Event will be at Momentum Education

The People’s Perspective
Event will be at Momentum Education

The People’s Perspective
Event will be at Momentum Education

The Hispanic Perspective
Event will be at Think Cafe – 248 Mercer Street, New York,

The Pride Perspective

Black Men’s Mental Health

The Immigrants Perspective

The Men’s Perspective

R-E-S-P-E-C-T The Woman’s Perspective

Black History Month- The Black woman’s Perspective
I Am Perspective is a social community ready to bridge the disconnect of humanity and gain unity through conversation, empathy, and understanding.